Comments on: A Few Of My Favorite Things- The Thanksgiving Edition Living Large In A Small-ish Home Tue, 14 Nov 2023 13:20:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Fran.

Hi Fran, I cannot find them in stock any more. May I suggest these, I think they are pretty:

By: Fran In reply to Pat.

Enjoy your blog! Wanted to ask about the white plates with the blanket stitch design and if they are available to purchase. Thank you!

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Mary Jo.

This recipe was ruined in a tech glitch. I plan on posting a new one soon.

By: Mary Jo Just lovely ideas ! Can you please re-post the Stuffed Pumpkin/Gruyere/cubed bread recipe you made oh so many years ago? I’ve made it several times over the years, but can’t find the recipe! It’s perfect for this time of year! Thanks Yvonne!

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Marla.

I just emailed you Maria, we will get to the bottom of this and I’ll send you the magazine.

By: Marla Dear Yvonne,
I love your blog and I look forward to receiving your email. However, I’ve signed up for your e-magazine three times now and I never received it . Can you offer any suggestions? Thank you!

By: Pat Some great ideas! My hubby and I also love Thanksgiving and treasure it… it is not stuck between for us but treasured. No black Friday shopping here… we reflect on what we are thankful for at breakfast and the days before. The house then gets dismantled for Christmas to go up. Saturday late afternoon family and friends come to decorate our tree. The real tree has been cut down on Wednesday and kept in the backyard before its appearance on Friday. My sons hang the lights so that is taken care of before the Saturday tree trimming… you know there are always those pesky lights that do not work. It is so festive… and love seeing all the additions into our younger family members lives. Happy Holidays to all Pat

By: Bonnie Chase What wonderful suggestions you have given us. Thank you so much for your inspiration and creativity. May your Thanksgiving be bountifully blessed. God bless you and yours
