Comments on: Best Spring Decor – The Ultimate Guide Living Large In A Small-ish Home Sun, 05 Mar 2023 19:48:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joie Yvonne – I always am inspired by your posts! I love your light touch when it comes to decorating. Nothing too overdone or heavy. I made your decoupage napkin eggs this year! I love them! So pretty! Thank you for continuing to inspire us.

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Ivory.

So glad this post is helpful, Ivory!

By: Ivory Your ideas are beautiful and brilliant. Thank for sharing. I will be applying them to my own home. I especially love the idea of putting flowers in each room that you spend lot of time in.

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Judy.

Thank goodness you knew how to care for them so they are safe to bring into your home.

By: Judy Your ideas are beautiful, as usual. My favorite organic item is the use of nests and, yes, they are real nests. Little homes blown from trees or shrubbery around our home. It breaks my heart to see something that was so painstakingly built for a little family destroyed. So, gingerly, I lift the nests from the ground, allow them to dry out in the garage, spray heavily with insect spray, and finally finish off with a coat or two of sealant. Each home is unique in size, shape, and building materials making them more appealing than any perfectly round shape created by humans.
