Comments on: DOWNSIZING A HOME, OUR STORY Living Large In A Small-ish Home Sat, 10 Jun 2023 14:33:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Karen.

Hi Karen, how nice of you. Yes, we are very happy. Read all the downsizing series to see how we are doing in our new home.

By: Karen I’m so sorry about everything you went through. Thank God you got through all of that and now I pray you and your family have all the happiness you deserve.

By: StoneGable In reply to Deb.

Thank you Deb. The residual effects of my foot are with me to this day. But I try to make the best of it! No use complaining!

By: Deb I had no idea of all the problems you had with your foot. You never much complained or spoke much about it. That is why so many of us are so surprised at what you went through. Thank goodness they saved your foot and leg. May God bless you.

By: StoneGable In reply to Maureen.

I am so sorry for your loss, Maureen! Thanks for sharing your story! Virtual hug to you!

By: Maureen A little over 5 years ago and for a number of reasons, we decided to move from the family home that we lived in over 23 years. We moved to a new town only about 15 miles further away. Little did we know that difference in mileage made our work commutes a good 1/2 hour or so longer each way, plus we did not like how the community was developed. After only a year there, we decided life is too short and moved back to the town where we had previously lived. We bought a townhouse with the MBR on the first floor. Only a year and a half later, my husband got very sick and that 1st fl MBR certainly came in handy. The neighbors in this little community where I live have provided so much love and comfort during this terrible time in our lives. I tell people to listen to those voices in your head because they (or the Holy Spirit) direct you to where you need to be! It is a really big decision but after four years of living in this house, two of them alone after my husband passed away, have shown me that this is where I should be. It is easy to care for, and the grass & snow removal is taken care of, so these things make it easier on me.

I still have plenty of stuff to get rid of, but a benefit to downsizing is that you feel so much lighter getting rid of things that serve no purpose other than sentimental reasons.

By: StoneGable In reply to jeannette.

Thanks, Jeanette! I’m dealing well with my foot!

By: jeannette I am looking forward to this series. I need all the help I can get! Sorry to read about your foot – what an ordeal!

By: StoneGable In reply to laurie rohl.

Start weeding out now, Laurie! You will be so glad you did

By: laurie rohl Hi Yvonne, Thank you for sharing and for all that you do to bless our days. We are just starting the process. We both know that we need to downsize. We are the 4 generation on the family property. It is 40 acres with a creek through the back and my husband build a 2 story cabin on the back part of the property. It is all rustic and so unique. Anyway it is hard to just think of it. We have been there for 27 years and all of our grandchildren have only know this as our home. Because of some health issues we are looking for a ranch with walkout basement. And talk about stuff. My hubby is a contractor and we have equipment and materials and stuff in all of the 4 barns and his shop. I have a She Shed attached to the back of the garage. And we have A LOT of stuff. We know that God will be with us during all of this and we have been going through stuff and getting rid of stuff since last summer to get ready. Thank you for sharing and looking forward to hearing more. Have a lovely day. laurie
