Comments on: 12 Best Things To Change Your Life In 2024, Part 2 Living Large In A Small-ish Home Sun, 21 Jan 2024 13:38:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Sharon Ganne.

Aww, Sharon! How lovely! Thank you. God bless your new year.

By: Sharon Ganne I have one thing to say: You are simply wonderful! Thank you for your loving encouragement as we journey through this life on earth. You make me want to be the best I can be. May God continue to bless you with many good things.

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Diane Russell.

God bless you in the new year, Diane.

By: Diane Russell Thanks for your uplifting words! So refreshing and much needed in our work today. God bless you Yvonne.

By: MARY-ANN (FROM CANADA) Yvonne, I just loved your post today! I just thank God for you and for your willingness to share Him with us. I, too, have been praying for a revival in our land. How we need this — and how we need to let people know how much they need to put their trust in Him. I pray that I, too, can be the “hands and heart of Jesus” to those around me. Bless you, Yvonne, as you so faithfully bring us these wonderful devotions each Sunday. I appreciate you so much!

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Helen.

Hi Helen, thank you for your comment. I am overjoyed you turned back to God! May God bless you as you give up your space and may this kindness fill you with generosity and joy.

By: Helen Hello Yvonne, thank you for your wonderful blog, I love reading it daily.
My relationship with God has come full circle – believer, non-believer, back to believer as a result of a visit to Assisi in Italy. St. Francis called my name there, and I have found my way back.
Right now I’m in the middle of clearing out the in-law suite at the back of our house so we can rent it to someone who needs it. There is not enough housing in the town where I live, and while it’s our favourite part of the house, someone else needs it more.
Blessings to you, and please say a prayer that I can give up my space without hard feelings.

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Betty.

What a beautiful blessing, Betty! Thank you and God bless you!

By: Betty Yvonne, thank you for your posts that share your faith. Thank you for allowing God to use you to share His word with so many. It is so easy to use this platform to promote materialism, vanity, and greed, but you have found a way to promote what is most important in a home, God’s presence! My prayer for you today is that God will continue to bless the work you are doing and that your home will always be filled with His Holy Spirit.

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Lorraine Hitchcock.

God bless you Lorraine.
