Comments on: How To Dry Hydrangeas The Easy Way Living Large In A Small-ish Home Fri, 01 Sep 2023 21:45:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Denise Douglas.

Hi Denise, You are so welcome!

By: Denise Douglas Thank you for this helpful and inspiring article!

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Judy.

Wonderful tip Judy! Thanks

By: Judy In reply to StoneGable.

Love to have the dried flowers to enjoy after the season . We also spray a lightweight hair spray on them to make them last longer. Glad I found your site, you make decorating look so easy.

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to David.

I don’t think it matters what store the hydrangeas were purchased in. If they get too wilted sometimes they cannot be revived. I just used this trick to freshen up hydrangeas yesterday. I tried putting them in water with plant food in it just to see what would happen and they looked great. Try to submerge the hydrangeas before they are too far gone.

By: David I’m curious if you can do this with store bought cut hydrangeas. I tried this method and they just drooped over.

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Gloria Ardrey.

Yay! They were really ready to be dried. Such a new and novel way! Happy Fall!

By: Gloria Ardrey I want to tell you how I dried some hydrangeas in a way I never intended. I live in Florida and went to N.C. to visit a friend. When I was ready to come home she had the most beautiful ones growing by her driveway. My luggage was in the backseat, so before I got in the car, she got her cutters and I cut a LOT and just put them in the trunk of the car. It was an 8 hour drive home and I got a late start so I was tired when I got home.. I unpacked the backseat and forgot the flowers in the trunk. A few days later I remembered they were there and had the best ones I had ever “dried on purpose”. Now that’s the way I do it.

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Laura.

I’m not sure because I’ve never dried them either. Does not hurt to give them a try!

By: Laura Great advice about hydrangeas. It’s so nice that there are now so many varieties available. I still love the old blue Mophead but the newer ones are amazing. I’ve never tried drying the lace caps. Do they do as well?
