Comments on: 10 Ways To Get Into The Christmas Spirit Living Large In A Small-ish Home Thu, 21 Dec 2023 17:34:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Connie Sumner Merry Christmas! Loved you post this morning!

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Thara.

You should be blogging! Very good idea, Thara! Merry Christmas

By: Thara Hi.
This is what I like to do in order to make things easier. I make a list of what each person can do to help out around the house. For example one member of the family is responsible for doing the food. Best wishes to you and your family. We are a baking family. Our family don’t really like to cook.

Another person is in charge of all the decorations. I’m supposed to oversee the invitations and create a party feeling too. The other two family members are tasked with the finances and checking deals. Other tasks include attending family meetings and finding details. Yet more responsibilities are planning simple games and picking movies. We have a task for the entire family in addition. Merry Christmas. We have a diary for planning.

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Elizabeth Robinson.

God bless you Elizabeth and thanks for leaving such an uplifting and God glorifying comment! Merry Christmas!

By: Elizabeth Robinson Elizabeth Robinson]]> Thank you Susan,
Still unsure how this article showed up in my device tonight(Christmas 2022) yet it is what I am reading just settled at home by the wall heater at sunset from a sunny yet open space hike in a very populated San Francisco Bay Area suburb reservoir loop. So very much in the Christmas spirit myself this is a wonderful read right now. I am feeling bright and mentally checking off this list all the wonder of the day. Just for fun may I add:
11.Praise Baby Jesus Christ Lord Our Savior in your own radical expression of self.
12.Enjoy the moments all day, dance through life noodling at what makes you revel in joy as your personal trainer, whether entertaining or being entertained, Todo La Vida with Jesus, our birthday boy.

I love when headlines remind us that Jesus is even why we have “Christmas” at all. So using the Christmas birthday in the social media way to educate the masses aught to maybe mention Jesus Christ. The story and writings of his life are what can save us all from Satan’s power when we may go astray. Tidings of comfort and joy, God rest ye ?

God bless you Susan I sure appreciate this contribution to my day as I write this Christmas night ✨

Elizabeth Robinson

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to usan.

Thanks, Susan! Merry Christmas!

By: usan Again..a greatly timed post. And these great words of wisdom….
“The object of getting to Christmas day is to have a prepared heart not a prepared everything else in the universe! ”
Meray Christmas to you Yvonne

By: Yvonne Pratt In reply to Cathy Gunn.

I do not have a source for the vase. Sorry Cathy. Here is one that is similar. I have it and love it!

By: Cathy Gunn ]]> Love all the wonderful Christmas inspiration! Can you please let me know where you purchased the big white vase (in the first photo) with all the pine branches in it? I would love to recreate this beautiful centerpiece! Have a magical and blessed Christmas ❤️

By: Linda Biondi You always make the Hollidays so festive. I love your list of ten things to help get in the Christmas spirit!
